Parish chairman urges Ganges developer: 'For Heaven's sake, get on with it'

A leading parish councillor has called on Ganges developers to 'get on with it' as a lack of progress has left many villagers frustrated.
Shotley parish council chairman Richard Wrinch also expressed concerns over a change in a planning condition which means a spine road through the site to the marina will now be triggered after 140 houses are built, instead of the originally agreed 100.
Cllr today told the BBC: "We know things are happening with conditions being signed off but the site is looking more and more derelict, the mast is looking a real sorry state and the general feeling within the parish is for heavens sake get on and do something.
"There have been negotiations ongoing about changes to some of the planning application, including, I believe, the number of houses being built before the spine road is built, which would make life easier for people down Bristol Hill.
"It does seem the developers are dragging their feet rather than getting a move on. It is very frustrating, especially to the people in Shotley Gate. It is in their face all the time."
"People travel here from a long way away, people who were boys at HMS Ganges and this is very disappointing to them."
The legal agreement, known as an S106, still states the spine road has to be completed by the 100th house is built, although that would be out of step with the change of condition, which was granted earlier this year and now allows the developer to wait until the 140th house is completed. *(see full amendment below)
Without the road linking the top of the site, between Marsh Lane opposite Great Harlings, off the B1456 and Shotley marina, constriction traffic will have to go down Bristol Hill and along King Edward VII Drive to the marina when they start work on new housing there.
Derek Davis, Babergh district councillor for Ganges ward, which includes Shotley, today said: "Babergh continues to work very closely with the developers Haylink and are desperate keen to see homes built on the Ganges site. Various issues have been overcome and slow progress is being made.
"The potential change in the spine road delivery is not satisfactory as far as I'm concerned and is something that I will continue to monitor and act upon when necessary."
Cllr Davis is an ex-Ganges recruit who trained there in 1974, and he is also a former chairman of the HMS Ganges Museum, so fully understands the importance of the famous mast.
"Although I never stood on the button I have been most of the way up that mast and from where I now live, I see it every day and it is heartbreaking," he said. "It would be in everyone's best interest to get the mast respired, including the developers, because it is such an iconic landmark for the site and for Shotley in general."
Ecological, archaeological, heritage and environmental surveys have been completed, tenders for groundwork and demolition of some buildings are underway but it is not expected houses will start to appear on the site until next year.
Developers Haylink have been approached for comment.
- Full amendment here:
- Application for a Non Material Amendment following grant of planning permission B/12/00500/FUL dated 18/12/2015 - To add the following conditions to the application: Condition 1 - Prior to occupation of the development the works required within the public highway and the construction of the roundabout junction forming the main access to the site shall be completed in accordance with details which previously shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure that the works within the highway and access to the site are constructed to an appropriate specification and made available for use at an appropriate time in the interest of highway safety.
Condition 2 - Prior to occupation of the 140th dwelling the Spine Road between the junction with the B1456 and King Edward VII Drive shall have been constructed in accordance with an agreement under S38 of the Highways Act 1980 and a signed certificate of substantial completion shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.Reason: To ensure that the spine road is designed and constructed to an appropriate specification and provides satisfactory access for the safety of residents and the public.
Note: The works within the public highway will be required to be designed and constructed in accordance with the County Council's specification.The applicant will also be required to enter into a legal agreement under the provisions of Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 relating to the construction and subsequent adoption of the highway improvements. Amongst other things the Agreement will cover the specification of the highway works, safety audit procedures, construction and supervision and inspection of the works, bonding arrangements, indemnity of the County Council regarding noise insulation and land compensation claims, commuted sums, and changes to the existing street lighting and signing.
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