Shotley Community Primary school - Reception open morning
Shotley Community Primary School
UNTIL Wednesday 8th March

Shotley mums and dads.
If you have a child due to start school in September and you haven't applied to Shotley school, come along for a stay and play session to see the wonderful Reception teacher in action, meet other parents and ask any questions you might have!
Come and have a coffee, cake and bring the little ones along to see what a great school shotley community primary really is.
Wednesday 8 March at 11am-11.45am
Parents who have children currently in Reception will be there to share their thoughts and chat with you too.
One of our parent Governors will be bringing their own littles (one joining in sept and one already in Y4) so you can see how they get on and learn about their experiences so far.
"I know that some parents in our community have concerns, but as a Parent Governor I can honestly say that this is a great school for my own children, and please don't count it out without having a good look to decide wither this is the right school for your child (and family)." - Alex Rawlings
We hope to see you there