Exhibition: Berners Family at Woolverstone
Berners Hall, Woolversone. IP9 1AR
8th Jul 2023 - 9th Jul 2023
UNTIL Sunday 9th July

Exhibition: Berners Family at Woolverstone
Make a date in your diary to visit the "Berners Family at Wolverstone exhibition" in Berners Hall, Woolverstone on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th July.
The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the rise of the Berners and the development of their estate Woolverstone Park and in London.
- 32 information boards chart the Berners' story in our historic berners Hall.
- Supported by over 50 photographs and 200 year old maps.
- See pieces of the obelisk that used to stand proudly overlooking the Rver Orwell.
- Refreshments available.
- Parking available.
- FREE entry
Explore the beautiful Woolverstone Heritage Trail using our new map guiding you through historic buildings.
At Ipswich High School, both the Hall and the grounds will be open 10:0 - 4:00 both Saturday and Sunday. There's an old boys' cricket match on Saturday afternoon.
Woolverstone House garden will be open on Saturday 8th: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Note: there is no parking. Access on foot only.
The Walled Garden will be open on Sunday 9th: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, with refreshments.
Duncan Myatt, our curate, will guide you through the changes to St Michael's' church during the Berners' stewardship on Saturday 8th.
In fact, it is hard to understand the Shotley Peninsula without understanding the story of the Berners family.
Find out about their real story: "The Berners Family of Woolverstone."
You'll be surprised.
Make a date in your diary to stop by and see the exhibition during the weekend of 8th and 9th July and learn about our beautiful village and its heritage
Make sure to book tickets for the "Berners Family of Woolverstone" illustrated talk on Thursday 6th or Friday 7th
Contact Simon Pearce 07825708171 or email: [email protected]
Phone Simon on 07826708171 Or, email [email protected]