Shotley Eggheads back on TV

By Derek Davis

4th May 2023 | Local News

Jeremy Vine taking a selfie of Shotley Open Spacers on Eggheads
Jeremy Vine taking a selfie of Shotley Open Spacers on Eggheads

A Shotley peninsula quiz team will once again feature on television taking on the infamous Eggheads.

Shotley Open Spacers, led by skipper Derek Davis, will appear on BBC2 at 1.45pm, next Friday, 12 May.

The team consisting of Davis, Ian Peters, Gary Richens, Shane, Marian Pugh with husband Geraint as an unused sub, went to Glasgow to take part in the popular quiz.

We won't spoil the fun for those that have not seen it and give you the result but it was a cracking show, and this will be wonderful repeat for those who know what happened.


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