Departing practice manager Julia gives her final update from peninsula surgeries

Julia Smith, the Holbrook and Shotley Surgery practice manager, gives her final update before leaving her post on Wednesday, November 11.
Practice update from 1st November 2020
As we head into a second lockdown, we have reviewed our processes and will continue
with our previous arrangements, which may be subject to change as the Governmentissues more guidance.
â—Flu clinics – our flu clinics have started and we are currently awaiting further
vaccine supplies. You will be sent a timed appointment if you are due a vaccinationso please be patient. We can only send invitations once we have vaccine on site.
â—Blood tests – following the issues with Roche, we are now planning to catch upwith the backlog of tests. Please let us know if you were booked for a non-urgent
test that had to be cancelled if you don't hear from us by the end of November.â—eConsult – we recommend patients use eConsult for non-urgent queries including
repeat Fit For Work Note/Sick Certificate requests, medication queries, referral tohospital which will send details to our GPs and staff and we can respond via a one
way message. Visitâ—Some annual checks can be done partially or fully on eConsult. Go to and click on yourcondition. There are templates for Asthma, Diabetes, Thyroid, COPD,
Hypertension, Contraceptive pill and also for a medication review. Complete theinformation as fully as possible and we will contact you if necessary once we
receive this. You may still be asked to come in but this will reduce the time of yourappointment as we can gather information before you attend.
â—Medication reviews: if you have a medication review with our pharmacist, you willstill need to order your repeat medication as normal.
â—Face masks and coverings: all patients entering the surgery will be expected towear a mask. If you believe you are exempt, please note that we are not able to
issue exemption letters for patients and these are not required by law. Please visitthe government website for further guidance on this.
â—Doors are open: our doors will re-open with our normal opening times. Youshould continue to maintain a 2m distance at all times for staff safety and yours.
Spaces are clearly marked inside and outside.â—Medication collections: please attend during opening hours and maintain correct
distancing.â—Appointments: where possible please ring to book an appointment or use the
eConsult facility to avoid overcrowding of the waiting room.â—Higher risk patients: shielding has ceased but we still need to keep our staff and
patients safe. We will continue to see those who are at higher risk at Holbrook andothers at Shotley. Higher risk will include those who previously had shielding
letters, over 70s and pregnant ladies.â—Patients attending appointments: only the actual patient should come into
waiting room. Children may be accompanied by only one parent. Elderly or infirmpatients needing help should only have one person assisting them.
â—PPE: if you are being seen for appointment, our clinical staff will wear appropriatePPE. This may include a face mask, gloves, apron and visor depending on your
appointment type. Additional time has been allowed to clean rooms betweeneach patient and change PPE. Some of our non-clinical staff may wearing hospital
type scrubs whilst working in the practice. â—Coronavirus symptoms: when you telephone the practice or visit in person, youwill be asked if you have a temperature, a new continuous cough and/or loss
of/change in taste or smell. If you are symptomatic we can still offer you atelephone or video appointment to discuss your symptoms.
â—Repeat medication can be ordered online via eConsult, the NHS App orSystmOnline. If you have no online access, you can drop your repeat slip through
the letterbox at either site.â—Coronavirus testing is available for patients with symptoms via the NHS website website or ring 119 if no internetaccess.
â—A lip speaker is available for those who are hard of hearing. Contact NatalieFarrugia at [email protected] or on 07860 373317. Natalie has kindly offered to
help but is not employed by the practice. By contacting Natalie directly youunderstand the confidentiality issues.
â—Childhood immunisations and baby checks – the midwife and health visitor arecontacting patients and giving advice over the phone or organising for patients to
come in when necessary. Parents should still bring their children for theirimmunisations and baby checks.
â—Postnatal checks: our usual 6 week postnatal check will now be combined withthe 8 week immunisations so you only need to attend once and will see both the
nurse and doctor. This will be at our Holbrook site.â—Cervical screening – please phone us to book these as normal
â—For mental health issues due to coronavirus visit
I will be leaving the practice on 11th November after 7 years of working on the Peninsula
and will be replaced by Jane Horton, a Practice Manager with many years of experience. Iwould personally like to thank our patients for bearing with us through this crisis. Our
staff have had to deal with many changes in practice and have worked long and hard tocover hours and provide the best possible service we can. They are a fantastic group of
people and I will miss them all. Julia Smith
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